Early Years

Twineham Early Years


At Twineham our aspiration is that our core values of nurture, resilience, togetherness and creativity will shine through our youngest learners. We strive to give EVERY child the best possible start to school, where they feel happy and safe and ready to learn.  We work closely with families to value the unique strengths and interests that each child brings to school and use these to support their learning across the seven areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage…

Communication and Language
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Physical Development
Understanding the World
Expressive Arts and Design


We are determined to provide an environment where each child’s own world is celebrated at the same time as developing their curiosity and knowledge of the wider world that surrounds them.



The EYFS framework identifies the essential role of play in children’s development. We teach through both child-led play, play guided by an adult and small and large group times so that each child’s confidence, social skills and knowledge will grow.  We focus on  the three characteristics of effective teaching and learning…

Playing & Exploring
Creative & critical thinking
Active Learning

to ensure that children know how to learn as well as what to learn.

We love to talk to and listen to every child. We recognise exploring and knowing words is vital to making meaning and progressing in our learning. We use floor books, display and our online learning platform to enable children to revisit what they know and to remember more.

The outdoors plays a vital part in our learning environment. It gives children opportunities to explore and apply all areas of learning, supporting their well-being and connection to our natural world.

Central to our teaching is working closely with parents: children’s first teachers. We use our online learning platform and more importantly face to face chats to support and share in both the home and school learning environments.



We track children’s learning closely to ensure they meet the Early Learning Goals, putting in place individualised support when needed. We ensure children’s progress is strong, deepening their understanding of the areas they are secure with. Within our small school we ensure excellent transition into Key Stage 1 and beyond; maintaining a love of learning and a curiosity in the world around them.